100 Thank Yous for Coming to 100 Days

A huge thank you to everyone who came out last Sunday to celebrate the lovely and talented Keri Moskowitz with us! The turn out was great and we had a blast sharing her incredible artwork with all of you.


Keri’s show is up until the end of the month. If you missed the opening, be sure to drop by and check it out!

GetFatBK’s First Art Opening: “100Days” by Keri Moskowitz

1512488_10153435544864502_3982404221206879542_nWe are having our first show at the shop! Next weekend, Jan. 11th from 6-9pm join us for some drinks and art by our very own Keri Moskowitz. All pieces are for sale and priced to sell. And did we mention free beer?? The event will be sponsored by PBR, so you have no excuse. See you all then!